How To Get Registered On A Crypto Exchange?

Getting registered on a crypto exchange is necessary for any cryptocurrency, including yours. According to the Best Cryptocurrency Exchange, without trading, or at the very least, providing liquidity to those seeming to buy your token, not only will the currency become stagnant, but investors and users of your technology will become restless.
The industry has evolved, for the better, where huge listing fees are now being called out, and the trading exchanges understand that projects are no longer stimulating in free cash, as they were in late 2017. That being said, a quality exchange listing can still add 15%-20% to the value of a token once registered.
Now exchanges require a trading volume to last just as much as you need your token traded and an. As an outcome, the extortion of 2017 has somewhat improved. Binance will even take your investors’ hard-earned money and give it to a charity of their choice, now that they’re safely the most prosperous and most prominent crypto exchange on the planet…how nice of them.
So what should you do to get registered on a cryptocurrency exchange?
Table of Contents
The Crypto Business Model
Be A Great Business
As per the Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform, we could also state ‘and team’, but let’s face it even projects with ‘good teams’ on paper had completely flopped because a ‘career at Google and Facebook’ doesn’t make you Steve Jobs when you were an entry-level programmer.
The answer to getting on any exchange, over and above anything else, is by having a good business and a solid business plan. Yes, business plans do exist in Crypto, and no, we don’t express your ICO white paper.
Business Plan
Thoughtfully, just because you may have got lucky and allocated capital via an ICO without a sign of a business plan, doesn’t suggest you can proceed with that investment without a proper plan. How will your plan make money or how will the community be rewarded enough to assure your decentralised grass growing robot can proceed to make the land green for the long term?
Be prepared to share a business plan as part of your application with some of the major exchanges, just in case. This is not a fast and effortless process, so the last thing you and your token holders need is an ample delay before you’ve even presented a completed application.
Stand Out To Crypto Exchange
Make A Connection With Chosen Exchanges
Do some analysis here first, look out for issues that seem to be well adapted to your project. Do they list your competitors or related projects? Do they welcome lately completed ICO’s, or does it look like they only publish listing more established projects?
Reaching out isn’t connecting; this is merely starting discussions and discovering out more about their listing process. We strongly advise working with our crypto exchange listing services to not only save time and make the method more efficient but support your application through our authority and reduce the cost of listing fees.
How Necessary Your Cryptocurrency Or ICO Is?
Have A Genuine Community
Not only have things hardened up in the ICO community, but those were operating within it are learning along the way too. It’s not hard now for these well funded, liquid exchanges to do due attention across social media and community channels, including evaluating the engagement rate of the 50k bots in your telegram and 10k followers on twitter.
Final Thought
Getting registered on a Crypto Exchange is necessary for any cryptocurrency, including yours. Without trading, or at the very least, providing liquidity to those seeming to buy your token, not only will the currency become stagnant, but investors and users of your technology will become restless. The industry has evolved, for the better, where huge listing fees are now being called out, and the trading exchanges understand that projects are no longer stimulating in free cash, as they were in late 2017.