What is Application Development | Development Methodologies?

Mobile app development companies

Mobile app development companies

application development

Considering the 6.63 million apps on Google including Apple App Store, iOS, and Android apps, many users have no idea which app has robust features and is helpful for their business, education, and other daily tasks. It implies consumers stay well-informed about the latest mobile app development methodologies that guide them in choosing the right app to accomplish their task. Mobile application development has been trending upward in recent years. The two major mobile application platforms existing in the smartphone market are the iOS platform and Android. Development of these platforms follows an app development process that builds an application from the scratch.

The procedure comprises planning, designing, creating, testing, and installing a software application to execute many business operations. Consequently, app development approaches provide a structure to the flow of the process and assist skill and professionally train iOS, and Android developers to consider factors that make application development smooth and efficient. For instance, they analyze the size of the project and the specific features required to be added to the application. The team scans the size and scale of the application and considers bringing relevant alterations in app development according to the changing customer’s choices and preferences. Hence, the success of the development process relies on the adeptness of the development team and how competently they manage the development phases and come up with effective software for the users.

What do you Know About software development life cycles (SDLC)?

Choosing the right application development methodology implies mobile app development services learning the primary stages of app development. Each process will them to plan and understand the app and how to test, implement and sustain the maintenance of the app later.

The Planning Stage involves the development team taking time and understanding the app development life cycle. For instance, they define how much time is required to accomplish the upcoming project. Moreover, the planning phase helps the experts to learn the complex issues the existing system faces and determine new objectives to upgrade the system to enhance its quality.

The planning step is followed by the analysis stage. The app development team acquires the essential details required for a new system such as assessing alternatives to existing models and carrying out research to know the needs and expectations of end-users. The design stage allows developers to outline the overall application including the user interfaces, determine network requirements, establish connectivity among the databases, and implement a programming language.

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Developers, then come up with a development stage where they create a program and write codes for newly built applications. The programming code is based on the project specifications. Once the software is generated, developers get involved with another important stage called the testing stage. In this phase, the app is tested to ensure that there are no bugs or manufacturing errors that cause trouble to the end users. The testing analyzes the end product and fixes the defects or makes changes as required by the project team or client’s preferences. Once, the app is successfully tested, various modules and designs are integrated into the software.

The app is finally installed and ready for the purchasing process. The last stage is the maintenance stage. The installation of the app requires developers to keep up the maintenance of the app to fix any upcoming critical issues as reported by consumers or improve app performance. In the technical age, some new app development methods have emerged that have further benefitted developers in planning, executing, and testing the app smoothly.

Modern application development methodologies

Waterfall Model

The model involves planning and analysis stages. The project manager scans all the elements including customer requirements regarding the features and functions of the application. Consequently, the development team works on the app over a given period. The waterfall model requires the team to follow the specifications and complete one phase of the project and then move on to the next one. The team initiates a separate project plan for each phase and ensures that the project requirements are fulfilled according to the vision and objectives of the developing team. Moreover, customers feel satisfied with the end product.

Rapid Application Development

Since the waterfall method application development process is time-consuming, developers look for an alternate process that makes development quicker. Therefore, they come up with rapid application development (RAD). It has benefitted developers in numerous ways. For instance, the software catch errors after every development phase, allowing developers to continuously improve the quality of the product till the last stage of development. Under this phase, the mobile application development company and the customers work in collaboration, modernizing the product. Even if the team has to start working from the scratch, RAD performs the tasks in less time.

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Agile Methodology

Project developers who are working on larger projects employ Agile application development. It works faster than RAD but Agile is used to handle complex projects. The team works effectively on a larger product that is broken down into several parts. The cross-functional teams comprising developers’ internal departments interact and collaborate over the fitting of the defects and bring relevant changes in the product during the creation process. The app development team finds it appropriate as it minimizes the budget and removes the risks of bugs and other faults that might affect the quality of the product.

Big Bang Model

The Big Bang model is used by developers for smaller projects like academic projects or practical projects. The methodology does not follow any specific process, it just follows a simple and flexible procedure. The development process begins with the essential funds and developers’ efforts to generate comprehensive ideas that resonate with customers’ choices and preferences. Many app development companies find this method suitable as it is simple and easy to manage, and few resources and teams are required to manage the project.


DevOps, an app development methodology is used by developers to bring constant improvement in the quality of products throughout the development cycle. The process begins with planning, coding, building, testing, implementation of the app, and deployment. Like other methodologies, DevOps also monitor the quality of the product after its launch. The team promptly works according to the feedback provided by the customers.


System development life cycle methods are used by developers to plan any IT projects, software, or app. It begins with developing an outline of different development stages and generating the app along with designing. The implementation of the application follows by testing and analyzing the quality of the software after deployment. Some methodologies are used to execute larger projects that involve a larger team of experts and more resources. While smaller projects are also effectively managed by software like the Big Bang model that comprises few developers. Software developers ensure that they complete the project on time, maintaining the quality of the product from the initial stage to its completion. Developers collaborate with customers and respond to relevant changes as required by customers. Hence, SDLC methodologies are flexible, work faster and deliver the best output promptly.

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